As tired as I’ve gotten of my trash builds, I have been able to test a great many techniques. I started basing my Frankenstein’d egg
Category: Debugging
Far too much adulting of late and oil paints take for. ev. er. to dry. Sheesh. I’m not really sure what it is about these
Finally getting back to watercolors. Trying to embrace the loose and organic that is watercolor, but some days it still just feels messy. I finally
The original sedate zenithal with dark colors ended up boring AF, so I went with a fairly uniform blunt slap chop. Still quite a ways
Still trash building. Another solenoid, another vacuum wheel; more random greebles and copious adhesive. I hit the edges of the floor tiles with cereal box
They ate almost a full 400 pk of quilting hexies, but the floor tiles are finally laid out and sealed. Like playing Tangrams with adhesives
The trash builds continue. My first attempt at a fountain was fairly underwhelming. It was one of the first builds I attempted, so I figured
I think I need to give up on the idea of modular terrain that can be placed in any orientation. Too limiting. I started on
With the zig finally and definitively off my plate, I was surprised how badly I wanted to build something else. I figured I’d spend a
I was going to skip the oil wash, but then I looked at the doorways next to the walls and changed my mind. There really
Necessity. Invention. Cheap and lazy. Same coin. There’s no point in storing a bunch of clay rubble that’s just going to get progressively smaller until
Started on the small scale scatter to go with the zig. Still need to build the doors and a few pieces of cover, but it’s