Line control is better, but still a ways to go. Not sure how I feel about the spatter yet. (Spatter? Splatter? Natter? Apparently I’m out
Category: Doodling
Myth is prevalent and vivid in art because it does what art does: like art itself, it resonates across time, metamorphosing into new forms and
I need to keep better control of my line pressure.
I forgot Mr A-Z could hit that shit 🤯
Not crazy about the proportions on this one; the action trail was fun though. The Bluetooth name and logo come from 10th century Viking king
And more smears. No bleach this time. Philosophy, as the thought of the world, does not appear until reality has completed its formative process, and
Testing mixed media with watercolors – primarily my pan set and various acrylic inks, with some calligraphy ink, bleach, and salt thrown on for good
Last time on the monochrome tone activity – purple and ocher with a splatter of white ink. Lining is still suss, but time to move
I’ve had the weirdest earworm. again. all. friggin. day. I’ll probably forget my own birthday before I forget which side credits go on.