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Taking a break from builds while I prep for a commission, so I launched a side mission to liberate my Catacombs terrain from my Shelf
With the resin poured and the grass scattered, all that was left was the Green Stuff World Spider Serum. It’s pretty fucking great. Well worth
I had to put the moratorium on new materials. I’m about out of space again. I reorg’d the closet for the trillionth time, and dumping
The Spider Serum requires a framework to adhere to, but the idea of melting and stretching acrylic threads to randomly glue was not appealing. Embroidery
Finally caught up on the beast. Considering that I went into session two with purely theoretical homework, feeling better this time. I think this one
I will not be sad when this one is no longer lurking in my peripheral vision, to say nothing of all the creepy crawly reference
We had our second group meet on the battle arena. Sadly, I still haven’t cut all my walls, but the towers are prepped. Hot glue
Sean (@aardnor_minis) announced our first build challenge… Because I’m apparently still obsessed with Sierra games, the challenge image immediately put me in mind of KQIV.
We started #pinkfoambrigade journeyman group build a couple weeks back. I had a minor technical issue with my Proxxon and ended up with shorter sides
Still haven’t run Scenario 1, but I did pull the party off the leftover keel I hauled them on. I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated by