Need a new project. Something from the stash; short-fire but new. Maybe something for R2. Ordered more foam stabilizer and some zipper-by-the-yard to test, but should be able to knock out a fair portion of the prep today.

Hopefully’s she’s good with pink. Needed a change from blue and had just enough yardage, swapping the lining print for the exterior handle and using the exterior print to add interior pockets. Maybe more grommets on top as well.

Basted the back lining too soon and had to pull it apart. Then forgot I was basting the back with the bottom and to pull it apart again to set the pockets right; the lining seam allowance has been tattered to crap, but can’t do much more tonight anyway.

Hopefully the zipper and the foam show up tomorrow as promised; never can be sure with Amazon. Probably should have made the directional fabric the lining, but it is what it is. Cream piping and all. Probably a good thing I need the foam too – very tempting to use the 20″ invisible zipper on hand to finish it up. Not particularly practical or usable for a project bag.